
General Comments

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1 general comment

  1. Your project is most interesting and I write to encourage and support its full expression. As a colleague who has devoted considerable time and attention to the public good mission of higher education, I think your book could be enhanced considerably by reference to the extensive body of work that addresses faculty work and the public (or more accurately, common) good. There are many scholars who have written on this aspect of the work of faculty, notably Ira Harkavy and Matthew Hartley at Penn, John Saltmarsh at UMass Boston, Bob Brongle and Julie Hatcher at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, Gene Rice at AAC&U, and so on. With others, Bringle, for example, edited an excellent volume on the ‘university as citizen” that could serve as a foundation for the argument on generosity. In particular, I would draw your attention to the more recent work of Genevieve Shaker, associate professor at Indiana University’s Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. Her edited book on Faculty Work and the Public Good: Philanthropy, Engagement, and Academic Professionalism contains a number of relevant essays by prominent scholars. I have been privileged to work with her on several other relevant projects, including two white papers commissioned by the TIAA Institute: “The Public Good, Productivity and Purpose: New Economic Models for Higher Education” and “The Public Good, Productivity, and Faculty Work: Individual Effort and Social Value.” She also edited a special volume of Higher Education Research Communication on Higher Education,Community Engagement, and the Global Public Good, which contains a number of relevant essays by scholars form the US and abroad. There is considerable overlap between your project and Shaker’s work which I think you will find adds depth and breadth to the argument you are advancing regarding generosity and the work of faculty. I hope you might find these suggestions of use. Best wishes for your book and the ideas you are stimulating.

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